Musings about life, happiness, theater, and more.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Incorporating Videos

When I first began teaching, I knew I wanted to show Whose Line Is It Anyway to my intro classes as an example of quality improvisation. I used to think just showing the video was enough. That students would see the humor and understand what these professionals did that made it work so well. This year, I've realized that kids can totally check out while watching something and not analyze unless you ask them too. Not only that, before the video I need to tell them what they are looking for and then after the video discuss what we all saw. I've also changed when in the quarter we watch WLIIA. This has made a huge difference for the students. The show is no longer something funny that they feel wastes time, but it is a hugely enjoyable learning tool. What I wanted it to be all along, but wasn't clear on how to do.
Today, after we watched the episode, we had this incredible discussion where the students were telling me in academic theater vocabulary what they thought of the actors. Then we started a new improvisation game called "Freeze Tag Improv" that has never gone better. I need to remember to introduce it in this way in the future.

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