Musings about life, happiness, theater, and more.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Minor Setback

"Less than 1% of people with an injury like yours recover without flare ups along the way." - my back doctor

That does NOT make dealing with the current pain any easier!

I just needed to get that out!

In other news, outside of my back hurting, life is good. I have a husband who loves me, a few high quality friends who support me, and I'm learning how to be my own best friend.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June is Busting Out All Over

Today is the first day of June. I have decided to really focus on losing weight again this month. In March and April, I did a great job of exercising and eating healthy daily - it became routine! In May, I continued to eat well, but was not as consistent with the exercise. This week, I've been exercising again and it feels great! So, I am back on track to make June my most successful month yet.

Here are my goals:

*Continue to not eat sugar

*Water aerobics five times a week

*Cardio before or after pool

*Drink lots of water

*Post daily progress on Twitter

This all seems totally doable and I am pumped! Feel free to join me in making June the best month yet and let me know how you are doing! Together, we can do this.